Shared Accomodation/ Room in Townhome, West Ottawa/Nepean area
Contact: JOHN - 613-266-0728
Seeking mature, reliable, responsible, clean adult individual, preferrably full time employed. References please.
Non-smoker, no other pets (we have 1 CAT), and no other \"live-ins\".
$500 a Month rent, first and last month rent preferred.
Pretty much all-included.
Upstairs bedrooom in a 3 bedroom Townhouse.
Parking Spot (outdoor) included - in nearby shared parking lot.
Shared: Kitchen, 1-1/2 bathrooms, laundry room in basement (well lit), 2nd fridge downstairs, fenced / semi-private backyard patio w/bbq.
Near corner of Baseline & Greenbank Rd. in west end Ottawa / Nepean area.
Easy access to hwy 417 \"The Queensway\" via Greenbank Rd / Pinecrest Rd.
Easy access to hwy 416 via Baseline Rd.
118 Bus - easy access very nearby on Baseline Rd. - takes you to Baseline Transitway station near Woodroffe Av.
Also ... not too far from the Transitway / Pinecrest Station bus stop at Pinecrest Rd & Hwy 417. And also the IRIS St bus stop / pickup.
Contact: JOHN - 613-266-0728
3 bedroom town home with shared kitchen and 1-1/2 bathrooms in a quiet residential area.
Nice clean, secure home also includes a well lit laundry room, semi-private/fenced back yard patio w/use of a barbeque.
1 of the 3 bedrooms is available to rent, the other 2 occupants are mature, reliable, non-smoking individuals.
We seek another clean, mature, reliable individual. Full time employed preferrably. References please.
No other \"live ins\" allowed. Non-smoker, no other pets (we have 1 CAT).
Short (10 min) frequent bus ride east on Baseline road to Algonquin College / Baseline Station on the OC Transpo bus transitway.
Right close to a main bus route (118 bus on Baseline Rd.) or could even walk or bike to Baseline & Woodroffe, Algonquin College, the stores at College Square (Loblaws, Beer, LCBO, others) or to OC Transpo\'s \"Baseline Station\" on the transitway to go towards downtown.
Not too far from another bus Transitway on hwy 417 either. Pinecrest station, Pinecrest Rd & Hwy 417. Iris Rd stops / pickups too, near IKEA.
IKEA, Starbucks, Scotia Bank and a few restaurants are at the former Pinecrest Mall nearby (Greenbank & Iris near Queensway/Hwy 417)
Bayshore Mall not too far in the other direction.
Rent is $500 per month, pretty much all included, an outdoor parking spot, and other things included. (Perhaps only your own telephone service to set up if you require that.)
First and Last month\'s rent preferred.
Shared Appliances include: 2 refrigerators, microwave, dishwasher, washer and dryer, use of a barbeque on the back yard patio.
House has central air conditioning - great for those days when it gets really hot.
Non Smoker only - it is a non smoking house. No other \"live-ins\".
No other Pets please. We have a well behaved, nice cat.
No illegal substances.
Contact: JOHN, 613-266-0728